Taxes in Montenegro

MONTENEGRO | Wild Beauty

Office MONTENEGROTaxes in Montenegro

Income tax: The minimum wage in Montenegro is €450.00, and the related income tax amounts to approximately €120.00.

Tax on corporate profit in Montenegro is defined at a progressive rate. For the profit amounting up to €100,000.00, the applicable tax is calculated at the amount of 9%. For the profit amounting from €100,000.00 to €1.5 million, the applicable tax is calculated at the amount of 12%, and for the profit exceeding €1.5 million, the applicable tax is calculated at the amount of 15%.
The VAT is calculated at the amount of 21%.

Real estate tax: when purchasing a real estate, in case it is not purchased directly from an investor, you are required to pay a tax amounting to 3% of the estimated value of the real estate. Once you become the owner, there is an obligation of paying an annual property tax, which is defined by the municipality where the property in question is located, based on both the market value and the assessed value of your property.

Tax on profit withdrawal amounts to 15%.

Tax on personal income and income from property ownership amounts to 15%.